R1.0 Firebreak Air Conditioning Duct

Firebreak Flexible Duct; Polyester Insulation; Ø150mm/Ø6" to Ø600mm/24"; 3 or 6m lengthsR1.0

110017 FlexibleDuct FirebreakDuctR1 640x640
110017 FlexibleDuct FirebreakDuctR1 640x640

Polyaire Firebreak Flexible Duct is manufactured from metalized Mylar and clear Mylar substrates, incorporating totally enclosed helically wound galvanised high tensile steel wire.

Firebreak Duct R1.0 (Polyester Insulation) - 3 Metre Lengths

Item #Diameter (mm/inch)Length (m)
110017 Ø150 / Ø6 3
110019 Ø200 / Ø8 3
110021 Ø250 / Ø10 3
110023 Ø300 / Ø12 3
110025 Ø350 / Ø14 3
110027 Ø400 / Ø16 3
110029 Ø450 / Ø18 3
110030 Ø500 / Ø20 3
110043 Ø550 / Ø22 3
110031 Ø600 / Ø24 3

The layers are bonded with a fire retardant adhesive to ensure long life in all ambient conditions. The insulation is a polyester thermal blanket manufactured to rigid standards.


  • Metalized Inner Core
  • Polyester Insulation
  • Metalized Outer Fire Jacket
  • Operating Temperature: -20°C to +80°C
  • Operation Pressure: -190pa to +1200pa
  • General Use: Heating and cooling
  • Domestic and commercial systems
  • Complies with AS 4254
  • Test certificates available

Firebreak Duct R1.0 (Polyester Insulation) - 6 Metre Lengths

Item #Diameter (mm/inch)Length (m)
110018 Ø150 / Ø6 6
110020 Ø200 / Ø8 6
110022 Ø250 / Ø10 6
110024 Ø300 / Ø12 6
110026 Ø350 / Ø14 6
110028 Ø400 / Ø16 6
110127 Ø450 / Ø18 6
110213 Ø500 / Ø20 6